Cat People

it took a lifetime
a thousand malshapen shapes
circles and squares
milk jugs and jack hammers

i gave a lifes time
to fit all those containers
never made
for me

flinched at every mismatched sign
rain filling a barrel
a downpour
a flood

like dorothy on rewind
theres no place like home

always working on myself
trying to cultivate the person
i always deserved to be

a sally come lately gardener
half empty watering can
dull pair of shears

im always asking myself
what if
if we'd been cat people?
maybe if we'd had cats
i would have been
one of those people
whose love is a prize
you chase to her
favourite chair
where mine is a gift
on the end of a string

if we had cats
would i still be a bottomless well
yearning the fullness
of your love
and attention?

i want to tell you
there are so many things
i want to tell you
im a dog person
and im afraid if i give chase
you might get stuck in a tree

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